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Savage 1907 Serial Numbers

카테고리 없음

by conctoperzi1972 2020. 2. 21. 10:14



Savage 1907 Serial Number Location

Welcome to my Savage Model 1907 PocketPistol site.NOTE: If Internet Explorer displays a 'content' warning, pleaseclick on the yellow bar and allow the content. There are active pull-down menus on this sitethat newer versions of IE can block.The first time I saw a Savage Model 1907 I had to have it. I mean, how many art-deco gunsdo you see? It was a cool little pistol that I knew nothing about, and I bought it on animpulse. Ten minutes after purchase, I took it to the local range. Even the 'veterans'there had never heard of it. 'Savage made a pistol?'

Savage 1907 serial number location

Was what they asked. I decided todo some research to see what I could find out about my Savage 1907 pistol.As it turns out, I was able to find quite a bit of information scattered about. For starters, I found theoriginal patent (click on the Patent Info links in the green bar above) as well as a bunch ofearly 20th century advertising for the Savage Pocket Auto. In fact, I'll bet that I have the mostextensive collection of advertisements for any single pistol, anywhere on the Internet.

That's got tobe worth the price of admission.I decided to put all of this information together; and since I needed some Javascriptand Photoshop practice, decided to put up this website. Just for the record, most ofthe graphics on this site are original - some are photos I took, and others are derived from my scansof old stuff that were then run through Photoshop and reworked by yours truly.Click on the links in the green bar above to learn more about this interesting pocket pistol.Enjoy the site but please keep in mind that I'm not an expert, I do not buy or sellguns or parts, and I can't begin to put a value on your gun. To sell a gun, or to get an ideaof what it's worth, go to the 'Links' page and click on the link to one of the gun auction sites.If you feel an overwhelming need to contact me, go to the Links page, click on the link forThe High Road forum and register. My user name there is EddieCoyle. You can then PM me.If you do contact me, please do so with the intention of forwarding me something I can puton this site; if not, at least thank me - this was a lot of work and it's not like I make moneyat this.